

放大字体  缩小字体 2020-01-15 21:05:31  阅读:9745 作者:广东省家庭医生协会










詠給 · 明就仁波切


Dear friends and fellow meditators,

What’s the real point of meditation? Why should we make time for meditation when there are so many problems in the world that need our attention?

Most of us think the “real” meditation happens during formal sitting practice. We believe we’re “doing it” when we finally get our mind to settle down a bit and can follow our breath for more than a few seconds at a time. But following the breath – or any other meditation practice for that matter – is just a technique.

All the techniques and skills we develop will not make the least bit of difference if we do not apply them in everyday life. Those few minutes of meditation in the morning are meant to help us be fully present for the people we genuinely care about. When we set a caring motivation for our meditation session, we’re learning to infuse everything we do with compassion. Examining the endless stream of thoughts and emotions that fill our minds helps us see things more clearly in those moments when we are reactive and need some perspective.

These are the changes we start to see when we apply meditation in everyday life, but this is just the beginning. In the same way that we bring meditation off our cushion and into the rest of our lives, we can also extend our practice in new directions by bringing more wisdom and compassion into the world.

We all have our struggles and suffering, but the world is hurting right now as well. The climate is out of balance, driven by the limitless desires of humans. We have deep divisions among races and cultures, and anxiety and depression are now reaching crisis levels.

When we sit down to meditate, we are not only practicing for ourselves. We’re practicing for the entire planet, or as we Buddhists are fond of saying, “for all sentient beings.”

Applying our meditation practice in the mundane moments of everyday life is where the real transformation happens. This is our path and our greatest gift to the world.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

[Excerpted from Tergar International’s November 2019 Newsletter]


