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正品宝宝痰咳贴纯精油支气管咳嗽止咳化痰 痰多支气管扩张4贴/盒 德国特效顺势精油

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最后更新: 2017-08-14 10:34
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    儿童精油痰咳贴 ROSAFARM 精油健康品

    产品功能:儿童精油痰咳贴使用于小儿感冒、支气管、天气变化引起的各种咳嗽痰多,莫名干咳,日咳夜咳的呼吸道护理。德国拜澳精油贴配方,8小时缓解宝宝咳嗽化痰,天然芳香精油成份,0-3岁小童尤其适合。痰咳护理方便易行,安全低敏。 主要成分:高分子水凝胶、尤加利精油、甜橙精油、罗勒精油、茶树精油、迷迭香精油、薄荷精油。 用法:开袋后揭开保护膜,将凝胶面贴在胸口锁骨处,也可同时使用2贴于胸口。每片建议8小时贴用,使精油足够吸收。严重咳嗽状况建议每8小时更换,每日2次。建议于儿童静卧休息或睡眠时贴用,效果更佳。 适用范围:0岁起婴儿或儿童使用 产品装量:4贴/盒 储存方法:贮存於室温干燥避光处,小童在家长指导下使用。 注意:本品非医药品,仅供婴童痰咳时的健康护理产品配用;只供外用,每片仅用一次,若持续不愈,应向医生求诊。幼童由家长指导下使用。 儿童痰咳,小儿百日咳的家庭自然疗法: 欧美流行的自然疗法可以帮助缓解痰咳症状、加快咳嗽恢复。加强儿童抵抗力。 虽然看医生和常规治疗是必不可少的,但是用于儿童痰咳的家庭疗法也被欧美的家长们广泛推崇,作为常规治疗之外的有益辅助措施,有助于加快儿童细菌感染愈合,恢复抵扣力。 传统自然疗法有:香薰的蒸气吸入,可以帮助一个百日咳的孩子感觉舒缓。加几滴桉树油或薄荷一盆热气腾腾的水吸入精油。这有助于在一定程度上清除呼吸道通道并帮助排出粘液。 如果使用冷却或加热的空气调节器,同时香薰加湿器的使用也有助于放松鼻腔分泌物。 服用香橙的连皮榨汁提取物和蜂蜜也有助于缓解。 草药茶如洋甘菊、百里香也可以提供对百日咳症状的一定缓解作用。 胸部按摩精油像桉树、迷迭香、松树油也可以帮助儿童痰咳,精油配合橄榄油,涂到儿童胸部按摩。 传统贴敷疗法,姜汁加蜂蜜贴敷在孩子胸口两小时或以上。 作为最新的家庭保健贴剂,含有精油有效成分,比按摩和贴敷的作用时间都要长,可以整晚贴敷,有效帮助到儿童痰咳,夜咳,百日咳的孩子们,给家长提供新型有效又能安全使用的儿童健康产品。 温馨提示,针对百日咳的孩子,家庭的辅助措施虽然有用,但不应该作为百日咳的唯一依赖性产品,看医生和常规治疗是必不可少的。家长需要在低龄儿童和婴儿的咳嗽期间特别谨慎,症状发生应立即就医而不是仅仅依赖于辅助型的产品。 Essential oil cough patch Diections: Relieving cough and esolving phlegm.Cough is annoying poblem fo baby and childen. Essential oil cough patch can help cough syndome. Fesh Essential oils in the cough patch make childen easie though coughing. Apply duing eight hous fo elieving cough and educing sputum. The duation 8 hous of cough patch is enough fo essential oil absobtion. Indications Fo Use: Each patch is effective within 8 hous, apply new patch is ecom-mended fo evey 8 hous if necessay. Fo bette esult, apply duing sleep.Cut open pouch and emove one cough soothing patch. Remove tanspaent film fom back of gel sheet and discad. Place gel sheet on skin. If desied, use two piece a time. Remedies fo Whooping Cough Home emedies fo a whooping cough ae quite popula, but most whooping cough emedies will not help to cue the condition completely. Whooping cough natual emedies can howeve help to povide elief fom the symptoms and hasten ecovey by stengthening immunity. Conventional teatment is essential, but whooping cough teatment at home may be used to facilitate the action of conventional dugs. Home teatment fo a whooping cough typically involves the use of lifestyle modifications to counte the poblem. While some emedies help addess the condition itself, othe ae diected towads specific symptoms: Aomatheapy and steam inhalation can help in the teatment of a whooping cough consideably. Add a few dops of eucalyptus o peppemint essential oils to a basin of steaming wate fo inhalation. This will help to clea the espiatoy passages to some extent and help expel mucus. Similaly, the use of humidifies will also help loosen nasal secetions, paticulaly if you suoundings ae cooled o heated atificially. Salt wate gagles can help to povide elief fom a soe thoat if thee is any thoat iitation and inflammation. The consumption of a mixtue of ginge juice extact with honey will also help to elieve thoat iitation and inflammation. The consumption of hebal teas like ginge, chamomile and thyme can also povide consideable elief fom the symptoms of whooping cough. Chest ubs with essential oils like eucalyptus, osemay can also help in the teatment of a whooping cough, but you need to dilute these oils. Add a few dops of whicheve essential oil you wish to use with a tablespoon of almond o olive oil, befoe applying it to the chest. Home emedies, although useful, should not be elied on as the sole teatment fo whooping cough. You need to be paticulaly cautious in the teatment of childen and babies, and should seek immediate medical attention athe than ely on any unpoven teatments. Fomula: Hydogel , Eucalyptus oil,Oange oil,Tea tee oil, Basil essential oil, Rosemay essential oil, peppemint oil.Stoe in a dy place at oom tempeatue.Keep out of each of Childen. Caution: Fo extenal use only. Use each patch once. Fo heavy conditions ,please consult docto emedy if equied.



